Sources : google

Jakarta (2017) - There are some accounts that you have to have if you want to get a job easily, this is not separated from your efforts and prayers as well.

1. Linkedin

Source : linkedin (google)

Linkedin has been connected with the company's top executives around the world, not just in Indonesia !!
In this account you can get the latest updates about the company, here there are regulations where the posting is only allowed for info job vacancy, there may be some accounts that are idle to sell there.
Do not forget to add all known or unknown people.

2. Jobstreet

The next account you have to have is the account (jobstreet). Please register as usual and follow the instructions. There you can upload a CV in the form of word and pdf in order to be reviewed the same company.

3. Jobsdb

This same account is not much different than the Jobstreet account. But there are some companies that do not put job openings on both accounts, maxdunya sometimes companies only put jobs on Jobsdb only and sometimes on Jobstreet only.

These accounts will facilitate you in getting a job rather than traveling around a city that does not know where you want to go.

4. Direct

If you do not mind, you can also deliver your application directly to the company that opens the job openings, based on the info you got from all three accounts.

For this moment so long ago, there are still some more things you need to know for the time of interview and psychology.

Do not forget the comment ..

Source : My Private Experience


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